How does ‘Eggless Sugarless Whole-wheat Dates Cake’ sound to you? Well, to me, this cannot get any healthier and tastier! Dates, top the list, when it comes to natural sweetener. And whole-wheat flour as the base, in a cake, in place of maida/all purpose flour is like, icing on the cake!
We bake regularly at home. As and when possible, we try and bake the goodies that kids wish to eat. This way, I am convinced that I am aware of what goes in !The cake is refined sugarfree! The sweetness is infused by the natural rich sweetener – Dates!
This is a very simple and easy recipe for a healthy cake and a hassle-free baking!The outcome is a porous, spongy super soft and yummy cake, which one cannot resist having!The cake can easily be stored for 4 to 5 days, but in our place, it didn’t last for a day!
Most importantly, this can be given to babies too. I gave to mine, when he turned 9 months.
You might like to give a try to this cake as well!
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Now, Lets quickly get into the recipe of the Eggless Sugarless Whole-wheat Dates Cake:
Dates: 30 (Depending on the sweetness you need)
Whole wheat flour: 1.25 cup
Baking powder: 15 g
Plant based oil: 0.5 cup
Milk: 1.25 cup
Other items Used:
Cake mould (6 ” diameter round)
Butter paper / Baking paper : to line the mould
- Soak soft and deseeded dates in warm milk for about 3 to 4 hours
- Blend the above to a smooth paste
- Transfer it to a mixing bowl
- To it , add oil and mix well
- Preheat the oven at 170 deg C
- Sieve in the flour and baking powder to the wet mixture and slowly mix (in cut and fold manner. Do not use a blender to mix)
- Pour the batter to the greased and lined mould. Gently pat to remove air bubbles
- Transfer the cake mould in the oven and bake at 170 deg. C for 35-40 minutes (or until the toothpick inserted comes out clean)
- Remove the cake mould from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes
- Unmould the cake, cut and serve!
Note :
- Anything in moderation, is always good! Be it sugar or sugarfree natural sweeteners!
- For my baking here, I used juicy soft dates which I purchased from the local Turkish store. The outcome was a super soft flavourful and sweet cake, which didn’t need any additional top up
Eggless Sugarless Dates Cake Stories:
I baked this cake, as my son turned 9 months! While in India, during our daughter’s summer vacation, we performed the ‘Annaprashana’ ritual for our son , as he turned 8 months. Until this ritual, we usually don’t give ‘Anna’ – which means ‘Rice’ in our native language. So, rice or any dish made out of rice, is usually not given until then. Between 6 to 8 months, I gave him majorly fruits, veggies and the Ragi Manni – nothing more. I didnt want to try too many things too soon.
Just to mark this occasion ( that it is the month when ‘Annaprashana’ was performed and he is now ready for different baby friendly food), as he turned 9 months, I wanted to bake something which he could eat too. I didn’t want to introduce everything at a time. All the ingredients used in the cake, I had introduced to him earlier, one at a time. Eg : carrot puree with dates, wheat Dose etc. It is important to check for any allergies before giving any new food, for this, doing it one at a time is important. Eating a cake, was an experience for him, which I believe he liked a lot. He took a small piece, ate it completely, sitting on his high chair! What more did I wish for? I was indeed a happy mom. My daughter loved it too, making me even more happier!
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